How GWorks Started - The Origin of GWorks
We (Adam and Nic) have been absolute camping and 4x4 fanatics since we were kids. We’ve known each other a long time, growing up together around Port Macquarie. Both of us grew up with automotive in our blood. We were sort of like fish and not realising we were in water – with automotive being the water, of course!
Adam’s dad had his own awnings manufacturing business for over 20 years. When we were kids, we’d come into his workshop and help him out with little bits and pieces. Hand him tools, learn a few tricks, and work on some (very) minor stuff. We’d also branch out into building our own projects – Billy Carts were one of our specialties.
Though it wasn’t obvious to us at the time, we both wanted to work on cars “when we grew up.” We didn’t want to be mechanics, fixing tail lights and changing oil every day. We wanted to do something with a bit of creative flair.
My (Nic’s) dad was a spray painter by trade. Even though automotive was a real passion of mine, my dad talked me out of the industry. “At least you’re not working on cars,” he said. “You’re not a mechanic or a spray painter. You can do anything else, so do that.”

I was puzzled – I couldn’t imagine not working on cars in some way. Like the saying goes – if you do what you love for a career, then it isn’t really work.
Though Adam and I were thick as thieves then as we are now, I walked away from automotive to begin a career with Coles supermarkets in retail management. Coles is a great company with a lot of opportunities, but I didn’t feel like it was for me. Coles was getting in the way of my life. I gained a lot of life skills and business acumen, which helped us on our next venture.
Adam and I sat down and decided to work together full time. Our first venture was in shop fitting, installing balustrading in stairways for retail outlets. Though it was great working together as ‘Adam and Nic’, it still wasn’t what we truly wanted to do.
We infuse the passion we have for this industry into everything we do. We’re always looking at how we can do things better or make our product better for the customer. Everything we do is practice to make perfect for the next job, and the next job after that. We’re always chasing perfection, and we do that by learning as much as we can and putting that all into practice. Adam and I always say “if you do the same thing over and over and expect different results, that’s just insanity.” We’re always raising the bar for ourselves. Innovation is in everything we do, because we don't want to stand still in a (literally) fast moving industry.
The other side of our philosophy is taking each job as an individual project. Every car is different – there’s no such thing as one size fits all. The styling and finer details matter, because when you’re using a tray or canopy day in, day out, that’s what you want: a tray or canopy that’s reliable and durable.
In fact, we want our trays and canopies to outlast the cars they’re on – that’s why you can lift the trays and canopies off an old vehicle and install them on to your next one with just a couple of tweaks.
We’re also passionate about the community. We use local tradespeople instead of farming jobs out where it might be a bit cheaper. We’d rather work with people we trust and can talk face to face – and maybe have a beer down the pub on a Friday!
Want to see how a GWorks canopy can make a difference for your vehicle? Talk to us today by using the contact form.